Do I Really Need to Be Fit to Start at BRICK?

Believe me, starting Brick is way easier than you might think. We have beginner programs designed to get you up to speed on the whole
June 27, 2023
Do I Really Need to Be Fit to Start at BRICK?

So, picture this: you're struggling with math class. Would you wait until you become a math genius before getting a tutor? Probably not, right? And let's say you want to secure a comfortable retirement. Would you wait until you're already rolling in dough to seek help from a financial planner? Nope, doesn't make much sense either.

Well, here's the deal. The same logic applies to starting Brick. If you're looking to boost your health and fitness, why not kick things off with programs that has a proven track record of being super effective?

Trying to get in shape for Brick by starting a running program is like trying to improve your math skills by taking a science class. Sure, there might be a little bit of crossover, but it won't get you to your ultimate goal. You come to Brick to get fit; you don't need to be fit to come to Brick.

Now, I get it. Walking into Brick  can feel pretty intimidating. But trust me, it's hands down the best place for you to take that first step. The coaches there are pros when it comes to scaling and modifying workouts to meet you where you're at. Just like a math tutor can break down those mind-boggling algebra problems and give you structured drills to practice, a Brick coach will do the same for those complex functional exercises.

Believe me, starting Brick is way easier than you might think. We have beginner programs designed to get you up to speed on the whole shebang before throwing you into the group classes. This way, you'll have some familiarity with the movements and get a head start on building your fitness foundation. Others might toss you right into the mix, but don't worry, they'll make sure you're progressing properly and meeting you at your current level.

Every single Brick athlete understands the struggle of getting started. We all remember our first workout like it was yesterday. That's why the Brick community is so welcoming to new members like you. We've been in your shoes, felt the same struggles and fears, and managed to push through and conquer them. And let me tell you, we can't wait to see you do the same.

So, if you're sitting there wondering if you need to be some fitness guru before you start Brick, the answer is a big "nope." Take that leap of faith, embrace the challenge, and trust in the process. You'll be absolutely blown away by what you can achieve and the incredible support you'll find in this community. Let's get fit!

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